World Autism Day!!

World Autism Day!!

🌿🌸Y’all!! Look at this light surrounding Finn!! Not only does light just exude from this little boy’s smile, but it surrounds him all the time! See the rainbow? 🌈He’s our rainbow baby, so how perfect!! I captured these shots yesterday, on #WorldAutismDay !! 🌈♾

🌿🌸Rather than stuff a bunch of statistics down your throat, that isn’t a helpful way to bring light to autism, I just like sharing who Finn is! Everyday life! Beyond the label, just a sweet little boy! Sharing the positive views of autism! (Swipe to read a bunch!) And that’s what I always try to do! I want to dispell myths & disprove the many assumptions.... To help everyone see that Finn isn’t much different than most little boys! He loves being outside, rain won’t even stop him, he loves summer, mud, cars, water, pools, 16 cones of ice cream a day, Cheetos, iPads, music & movies, snuggles, and laughing til he pops! The only main difference is language. He’s brave, wild, brilliant, determined, loving, silly, active, and doesn’t give up on making progress. Baby steps are huge victories in our home!! And hugs are a must!! I just want to thank y’all for celebrating the moments with us, and for loving my sweet Finny!!🥰🌈♾ #morealikethandifferent



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